Random Blog Open to find out whatever you want to see: Review of Paulo Coelho's The Valkyires

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Review of Paulo Coelho's The Valkyires

Where Are thou Angel?
Twenty first century brought globalization and shrinkage of world due to progress all over. But along with this, they brought inflation, terrorism and threat for survival. Thus, in this fast paced techno world, often one wonders if there is that super power that gets them going along with the world. The answer to this question was found in the Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Valkyires’. The autobiographical incident narrated by author makes us believe in existence of a world that is full of our guardian angels instructed by almighty to take care of us. When the trains are exploded, riots are broken, planes are crashed into building with n number of people and innocent children instead of cattle are slaughtered the soul shivers up, but the book calms us and shows us there is going to be a tomor

Paulo has taken an incident of his life, in which he decides to take up an expedition to a desert in America, with his beloved wife, Chris, to search his angel upon insistence of his teacher. There, they are on journey in desert of Los Angeles searching their destiny. The marriage which was on the rocky stage gets rediscovered and rekindles their love for each other. They start searching for strangely dressed warrior women who ride on bikes in desert upon insistence of a scholar. Upon discovering them after series of incidents due to which even Chris who initially doesn’t believe in second world starts believing in it, there is display of emotions, range of rituals and variety of contests which gets them closer and closer to angel. The past flashed in present showing the path of future. Emotions are played with, souls are touched and thoughts are changed in this journey to rebirth their lives. Finally, angels are confronted upon and lessons are learnt and importance of loved ones is realized.
The book is set superbly in terms of a journey that summarizes life and its meaning. The narrator has explored and touched a sensitive note in relationships. The common fact of losing loved ones and hurting them in today is emphasized and solution to that is obtained. The prose of book is a la carte and language used is simple to understand. To conclude, the experiences shared by author are path leading to a good life and belief of a better and peaceful world.

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